I wrote this article on the default accessibilty properties (some might say ‘semantics’) of the popover attribute with Hidde de Vries.

We both have been involved in Open UI, and were involved in the creation of the popover attribute and API. You can read the version of the explainer I helped create (mostly the a11y bits), prior to its migration to the HTML specification - where I then helped edit/create the examples and author guidance for use of the attribute.

Hidde has been writing and giving talks about popover for quite awhile now (here’s another one of his popover posts from last year). He knew I had a lot I wanted to say about the attribute, but I had been struggling to collect all those things into a coherent post. What we wrote together largely covers many things I wanted to go over, but not everything. Hopefully I’ll get to at least some of those bits soon. I’m just glad we got what we did out the door. It was a post that was a long time coming (and that length of time is basically my fault). So, thank you Hidde.