I find it interesting how initial intent and final output can shift so dramatically. It happens a lot in iterative design and development, especially when applying Lean Principals to an organization’s workflow.

Features and hypotheses are built and deployed quickly, feedback is collected and pivoting occurs when it becomes clear that an idea is unnecessary, or could serve a different purpose than originally intended.

The point is, things can and should change as ideas are discussed, tested, and use cases are propped up, or shot down.

Today’s random thought is brought to you by the dialog element, as originally outlined in the 2008 Working Draft of HTML5:

The dialog element represents a conversation.

Each part of the conversation must have an explicit talker (or speaker) given by a dt element, and a discourse (or quote) given by a dd element.

This example demonstrates this using an extract from Abbot and Costello's famous sketch, Who's on first:

   <dt> Costello
   <dd> Look, you gotta first baseman?
   <dt> Abbott
   <dd> Certainly.
   <dt> Costello
   <dd> Who's playing first?
   <dt> Abbott
   <dd> That's right.
   <dt> Costello
   <dd> When you pay off the first baseman every month, who gets the money?
   <dt> Abbott
   <dd> Every dollar of it. 